The Tarot-philosoph Eliphas Levi and the group Golden Dawn connected the "Kabbala" to Tarot. I leave Eliphas Levi aside, but that one, what the Golden Dawn really used in their identification, was not really from Kabbala, but from a specific Sepher Yetzirah edition, which connected the zodiac to the letters No. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 .. 12 .. 14, 15, 16 .. 18, 19, a row which, if we count the first letter aleph = zero, would be "No. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, .. 11 .. 13, 14, 15 .. 17, 18", which then presents the numbers, which were involved in the zodiac identification in the Tarot row.mikeh wrote: Added later: and while you're at it, you might explain what all this has to do with the tarot. At most you've shown that 4 or 5 sentences in the Sefer Yetzirah tie in with the I Ching. But so what? Nobody in the Renaissance saw those sentences as fundamental to anything. When they thought of elements, there were usually 4 of them, and 7 planets, as opposed to 6 directions and 1 central palace, and 10 sefiroth and spheres. which were sometimes 7 + 3 but not 6 plus 3 plus 1. They did have 12 zodiac signs, but that's not much to build on. The only other area I can see any connection is by way of lot books, which were based on dice, which had 6 sides and then various numbers of combinations depending on how many dice you had. Simple, non-occult divination with cards was an extension of lot books with dice. Also, geomancy was a 2 to the 4th power set of binary arrays, similar otherwise to the I Ching's 2 to the 6th power, but unrelated that I can see to lot books or tarot. That's as far as I can get. No connection between the binary/hexagramatic structure of the Sefer Yetzirah and the tarot yet.
Tarot 4 = Aries
Tarot 18 = Pisces
With that Tarot was married to Sepher Yetzirah, and the common modern Tarot diviners learned this astrological contribution and used it in heir divination practice, although they mostly never had heard anything about Sepher Yetzirah.
There's some indication, that count de Mellet already had ideas about the Kabbala in his Tarot interpretation. I leave him also aside.
If one can connect Sepher Yetzirah to I-Ching, one naturally can connect also I-Ching to Tarot, if a system-maker had decided, that Sepher Yetzirah had a relevant connection to Tarot, independent from the condition, if the system-maker had just created a system on the base of wrong historical ideas and not found an old connection between the systems of Tarot and Kabbala.
In the discovery, that specific groups of hexagrams pairs from I-Ching relate in a sense-making manner to groups of
SY, there's naturally the intention to get each of the individual 32 ways connected to one of the of 32 pairs.
Two pairs are already clear, cause there are 2 subgroups, which contain only one element. 111111/000000 (hex 1/2)
and 101010/010101 (hex 63/64).
One of the planets is the one holy planet in the center (in six days God created the world, and at the 7th he took a pause). In the case of the Jewish background that's naturally Saturn and the related Sabbat. In the I-Ching there's no choice, that's the Yin and Yang pair and heaven and earth, coded expressed with 111111 and 000000.
Saturn in the Tarot of the Golden Dawn is given card "21 World". From the I-Ching perspective that's a rather good choice.
Hex 63/64 is at the end of the I-Ching hexagrams, as 1/2 is at the begin, a clear sign, that the I-Ching makers understood, that these both pairs present the most important hexagrams. Hex 63/64 must belong to the tree, as the number of yin and yang strokes is balanced. Now there's a specific difference between the SY and that, what later developed in Kabbala.

In Sepher-Yetzirah the first Sephira has the focus (1) followed a group of 3 (2-4) and finished by a group of 6 directions, in the later Kabbala we have at top a triade (1-3) followed by the group with 6 elements (4-9) and finished by the single Sephira Malkuth (10).
In the SY-model the pair 63/64 naturally would mean Kether, first Sephira, in the later Kabbala it's not to avoid, that the pair would mean Malkuth.
This contradiction is somehow solved with the 4-world-tree ...

... where it seems, as if the Malkuth of an upper level transmutes to the Kether of a lower level.
2 pairs are identified, as next follow the 3 elements, not at the tree-group, but inside the 22 letters: the "mother letters". These are rather tricky.
The Names
100100 - 011011 = Thunder (belongs plausibly to fire) - Wind (belongs plausibly to air) = missing is WATER
hex 51/57
010010 - 101101 = Water (belongs plausibly to water) - Fire (belongs plausibly to fire) = missing is AIR
hex 29/30
001001 - 110110 = Mountain (????) - Lake (belongs plausibly to water) = missing is FIRE or AIR
hex 52/58
There's the riddle of "Mountain" as the title of the hexagram 52. As we have at the other 5 places twice FIRE and twice water, so "Mountain" naturally must belong to air, to keep the balance. Which leads to the comment that "FIRE is missing".
One has in this context to think of the general attribution of the 3 Trigram-lines of I-Ching, which actually define the system.
3rd line = heaven = FIRE (is not "missing", but is the central element). Hex 52/58 focus the 3rd line.
2nd line = man = AIR (is not "missing", but is the central element). Hex 29-30 focus the 2nd line.
1st line = earth = WATER (is not "missing", but is the central element). Hex 51/57 focus the 1st line.
In the general element attributions FIRE is opposed by WATER, fire goes in its direction to the TOP and water has as his direction the BOTTOM. AIR gives harmony to the opponents and naturally takes the MIDDLE position. Well, that the basic dialectic model of thesis, anti-thesis and synthesis, and "MAN" is the natural synthesis between HEAVEN and EARTH or YANG and YIN.
I hope, the argumentation is clear enough. If not, perhaps this graphic helps:

100100 - 011011 = WATER = Mem = Tarot card 12 = Hanging Man
hex 51/57
010010 - 101101 = AIR = Aleph = Tarot card 0 = Fool
hex 29/30
001001 - 110110 = FIRE = Shin = Tarot card 20 = Judgment
hex 52/58
5 pairs are identified.
The 12 pairs at the same level (level with 2 Yang + 4 Yin or 4 Yang + 2 Yin) as the 3 elements (or "mother letters") are connected to the zodiac. 12 pairs build a natural row, which you can observe if you follow the wandering of the 2 yang lines through 12 hexagrams (mirrored by the wandering of two yin lines in the 12 opposing hexagrams).

The Yang strokes wander 1/2 - 1/3 - 2/3 - 2/4 - 3/4 - 3/5 - 4/5 - 4/6 - 5/6 - 5/1 - 6/1 - 6/2 and then they are cyclical.
The relation to the Western zodiac is naturally decided, when one pair is identified. The Chinese solar year starts arounds 4th of February in the mid of Western Aquarius and the following month is given to the hexagram 110000 (yang strokes at 1+2) ....
a... and this seems to be the correct one or at least a "working" relation.
110000 - 001111 (hex 19-33) - Aquarius - Tarot card 17 Star
101000 - 010111 (hex 36-6) - Pisces - Tarot card 18 Moon
011000 - 100111 (hex 46-25) - Aries - Tarot card 4 Emperor
010100 - 101011 (hex 40-37) - Taurus - Tarot card 5 Pope
001100 - 110011 (hex 62-61) - Gemini - Tarot card 6 Love
001010 - 110101 (hex 39-38) - Cancer - Tarot card 7 Chariot
000110 - 111001 (hex 45-26) - Leo - Tarot card Strength (?)
000101 - 111010 (hex 35-5) - Virgo - Tarot card 9 Hermit
000011 - 111100 (hex 20-34) - Libra - Tarot card Justice (?)
100010 - 011101 (hex 3-50) - Scorpio - Tarot card 13 Death
100001 - 011110 (hex 27-28) - Sagitarius - Tarot card 14 Temperance
010001 - 101110 (hex 4-49) - Capricorn - Tarot card 15 Devil
Well, I need a pause.