Some highlights of particular interest to THF members:
- Translations of all or part of several tarocchi appropriati in the narrow sense of casual literary works applying tarot subjects to people, including one Florentine, about street prostitutes, a few stanzas; five Bolognese, three addressed to ladies, one to clerics, one to parishioners, all complete, but one just names; one Ferrarese, to ladies, complete, stanzas from two others; and one Lombard, to ladies in Pavia, complete. Mentions of others.
- Translations of selections from about 25 Bologna-related authors (in 20 sections), all pertaining to tarocchi or tarocchini, including several that address all the triumphs. For example, we report in its entirety a very funny 17th c. poem by Bartolomeo Banchini, "He plays Tarocchi with his Woman, and smeschia all the granda," in Bolognese dialect, one triumph per stanza, in order. Another favorite of mine is the analysis of the sonnet "Per far una partida a taruchein," tying it to a particular year in the Seven Years' War (better, I think, than Zorli's in Il tarocchino bolognese). To understand some of the works requires knowing particular strategies in the game (e.g., Sminchiare, Granda) and Bolognese game terms, which are explained with reference to 17th-19th century sources. And of course Andrea fills us in on the authors' lives and the historical references made in the works.
- Regarding the words tarot, tarocchi, bagatella, and variants, translations and paraphrases from hard to find Italian sources as well as numerous etymological dictionary entries translated from various languages and dialects. Besides Andrea's essays (to which I contributed material from THF), there is one by Franco Motta, professor of history at the University of Turino.
- A rather full discussion of the "equal papi" rule in Bologna and Piedmont by Ross Caldwell, situating it in the context of the historical documents, of course translated, with additional comments by me in another essay.
- Analyses of the symbolism in some of the cards, supported by documents from the time, by Andrea. I do the same in another essay, specifically in relation to the Bolognese cards and their order.
Where available, we have tried to cite English-language publications along with Italian ones, and to indicate if the originals are currently accessible on the internet, giving the relevant databases. (That was part of my job as co-editor, as well as coaxing authors to give explanations of terms and history that Italians take for granted but others might not know.)
To pre-order, see the link to the publisher at ... -the-tarot