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What has happened with Photobucket? I use it to host a lot of images but haven't checked it for a while - I just looked over some of my old posts and the images still seem to be showing OK? If there are any of my posts not showing the images I will try and sort it if someone lets me know --Pen wrote: 19 Dec 2017, 19:01 I think I've managed to replace all the broken Photobucket images but please feel free to PM me if you spot one I've missed...
Thanks Pen [Shhh - don't say anything, I think they must have overlooked me, for now)Pen wrote: 22 Dec 2017, 18:45 Steve, Just had a look for PB links in your posts. Weirdly the third post down on page two of the posts in your profile has a PB link but the image is showing perfectly well in the actual post. Perhaps you took out a paying subscription early on or maybe they somehow overlooked you...