Well, the bird ...
https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_de_La_Vieuville (also called Vieville)
Grand Fauconnier de France
Father: 1596-1610 : Robert de la Vieuville (†1612), marquis de La Vieuville (also called Vieville)
Son: 1610-1612 : Charles de La Vieuville (1582-1653), marquis de La Vieuville (also called Vieville)
https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Fau ... _de_France
Les armes et blasons des chevaliers de l'ordre du St. Esprit
Jacques Morin (1623)
https://books.google.de/books?id=WOtDAA ... le&f=false
Charles got a son named Charles II.
Charles II became duke in 1652
Charles I died 2nd January 1653
Robert had connection to the Rethelois ... (he became gouverneur there)
Cour quelques mois après le mariage du futur Henri IV ,i.e. le 18 août 1572, ce mariage ayant été suivi cinq jours plus tard par le massacre de la Saint Barthélémy, qui fit trois mille morts dans Paris.
27 janvier 1574 - 19 février 1605, Charles IX le nomme lieutenant général en pays de Rethelois, il eut à combattre le maréchal de Saint-Pol qui ravageait le pays pour la Ligue. Il fut obligé de lui céder Rethel prise de vive force en 1589. Puis ils se combattirent autour du château de Sy. Le marquis avait trois compagnies à pied et deux d'arquebusier à cheval, Saint-Pol avait huit canons, 1 200 cavaliers et 6 000 hommes à pied. Le siège de douze jours laissait les deux partis exsangues, le pays ruiné. Aucun parti ne recevant de renfort, le marquis se rendait en promettant de ne pas fortifier son château et de rester neutre, le maréchal de Saint-Pol retournait à Reims en août.
Charles I had connection to the Rethelois ... see heraldry.
Rethel belonged to Louis Gonzaga (Nevers-Rethel)
Where comes the cardmaker Vievil from? It's plausible, that he either came from Belgium or from the Belgium/French border.
329 persons with the name Vieville were born in France in the period 1891- 1915 (the name Vievil had 0 persons). They gathered at the Belgian/French border. A location Le Hérie-la-Viéville is near, possibly an indication, that the family name developed from the name of a location or in .
https://www.google.de/maps/place/02120+ ... 4d3.645096
Nearby is also Rethel, which belonged since 1565 to the dominion of Louis Gonzaga (Nevers-Rethel), known by my theory, that he influenced the production of the Tarot de Paris 1559. And the location Tournay, know as a famous place for playing card production since 1427 is in the distance of 90 km.
Well, we have, that curiously Flemish traders imported playing cards (between them also Trionfi cards) to Rome between 1453-65 ... and one trader with the Italian name Tornieri often accompanied them and Tornieri sounds like "from Tournay". He also imported Trionfi cards to Rome and he is connected to the cheapest Trionfi decks in the Esch report.
The Vieuville-Vieville nobility came originally from the Bretagne. Johan Coskaer or Cosker, owner of Farbus in Artois, took the name la Vieuville. He married the widow Catherine de Kerviher (?) in 1472 (?), and got a son Sebastian. Sebastian accompanied Queen Anne to other regions.
... according books.
https://google.de/books?id=ESvF-HnKUDMC ... se&f=false
... see entry "Vieuville"