... made - beside a very beautiful Tarocchi game - a lot of other games.
So it may be of worth to understand a few of his other games. This seems to have been a huge collection. I've read, that he made 33 games ... dark I remember, that I've seen a higher number somewhere else.
I've made a lucky finding with http://www.garisenda.it/cataloghi/catalogo_stampe/ ... type "mitelli" in the local search engine and you get a lot of games.
These games mostly are based on dice games. A big category are games with 20 figures, which on a way, which I don't understand, somehow operate with 3 dice. A few of them I detected already these days during the work at ..
..., there are noted already 3 of them, in this listing appear a few others.
I Tarocchini
22 Figures (21 dice results and one special "Fool") plus Fortuna
http://www.garisenda.it/cataloghi/catal ... a25536.htm
20-figure game (Occhi-eyes)
http://www.garisenda.it/cataloghi/catal ... 25540.html
20-figure-game (King of Persia)
http://www.garisenda.it/cataloghi/catal ... 25549.html
20-figure-game (?) with Castle
http://www.garisenda.it/cataloghi/catal ... 25544.html
20-figure-game Ventura
http://www.garisenda.it/cataloghi/catal ... 25548.html
20-figure game Donne
http://www.mmfilesi.com/imgs/imagenes_8 ... _mit7a.jpg
http://www.mmfilesi.com/comentarios.php ... iblogptero
collection of Marco
20-figure-game soldiers
http://www.mmfilesi.com/imgs/imagenes_8 ... 8_mit9.jpg
http://www.mmfilesi.com/comentarios.php ... iblogptero
collection of Marcos
http://www.mmfilesi.com/imgs/imagenes_8 ... 3_ampl.jpg
http://www.mmfilesi.com/comentarios.php ... iblogptero
collection of Marcos
20-figure-game "ZUGH D’ TVTT I ZUGH"
of special interest, as it hows 20 different games as motifs (the first in the upper left are playing cards)
http://www.garisenda.it/cataloghi/catal ... 25542.html
24-figure-game ... but it seems to be in essence the 20-figure-game, just 4 NULLA figures are added
Simona and Filippa
http://www.garisenda.it/cataloghi/catal ... 25535.html
21-figure-game Animals ... this is very similar to the 20-figure games, but it seems to be different. All 56 results of the throw with three dice are distributed to 21 figures.
http://www.garisenda.it/cataloghi/catal ... 25547.html#
21 figure-game (noses) ... played with 2 dice
http://www.garisenda.it/cataloghi/catal ... 25541.html
11-Figure-game Bernardina (played with two dice, NOT as the 20-figure games with 3 dice)
http://www.garisenda.it/cataloghi/catal ... 25534.html
11-figure-game "Tira e paga"
6-Figure-game Verita (played with one dice)
http://www.garisenda.it/cataloghi/catal ... 25543.html
Game of the Eagle (political satire)
http://www.britishmuseum.org/research/s ... umpages=10
Game of the Turco (political satire)
http://www.garisenda.it/cataloghi/catal ... 25548.html
Il Gioco della Speranza (political satire 1699)
IL GIOCO DELLA / SPERANZA. - Gioco a tema politico, raffigura un soldato in cima ad una torre, con le regole del gioco inscritte al suo interno, che tiene 4 volatili con dei lacci, 4 figure ai suoi piedi e una quinta figura, il turco, alle sue spalle su di una collina. Legenda in basso, entro riquadri.
http://www.garisenda.it/cataloghi/catal ... 25550.html
Running game with 59 = 60 fields
24 hours
A collection of 24 pictures (a sort of profession collection or "lucky hours") as allegories for 24 hours with two special figures for time and death.
http://www.istitutodatini.it/biblio/ima ... elenco.htm
http://www.istitutodatini.it/biblio/ima ... elenco.htm
http://www.istitutodatini.it/biblio/ima ... da/114.htm
Professions of the streets in Bologna (1 city and 41 professions - (?) somehow related to Minchiate-structure ?)
http://www.istitutodatini.it/biblio/ima ... elenco.htm
Allegories of youth and age
http://www.istitutodatini.it/biblio/ima ... elenco.htm