
Search found 61 matches

Re: Crackpot theories

I think most of us have a crackpot theory, or a suspicion, that something is up... My theory has to do with the Minchiate Virtues: Numerological equivalent | Reduced | Expanded | ........ Minchiate card | .......... Scripture 400 + 100 + 6 + 5 ... = 511 ........ =7 ....... = 1 + 6= 16 ........... תק...

Re: Using the Rosenwald Sheet

Thank you for the replies, everyone :) Good to know the sheet is useable, though I'm not doing this to publish. Besides all the issues, I had already decided to copy the sheet not verbatim but mirrored. I am doing this on 300 lbs. cold-pressed watercolor paper and then watercolor painting it. I perc...

Using the Rosenwald Sheet

I am posting this here because it is a little something artistic I'm thinking of doing. in this post we have mention of an early Minchiate pattern: I am thinking about redrawing and coloring these:  D...

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