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... :-) it's (nearly) Christmas. Look out for a SURPRIZE ... and if you see, what I saw ... that was a painter with some humor ... :-) btw. This is a detail from a Triptychon by Rogier von Weyden ca. 1460, commissioner had been Alessandro Sforza. To the left are...

SURPRIZE more of it:

Re: Bolognese sequence

Diamond rings from clothes of Empress at Bembo cards Borso becomes duke 1452/53 and probably needs money for it. Cosimo is a banker. The Contrari get a title (1453) - for which reason? The Sforza made their cards around 1452/53 - with diamond rings. Cosimo has the 3-d...

Re: Bolognese sequence

Excellent, Marco The symbol of the 3 rings seem to go back to a situation in 1409, in which Muzio Attendola worked in the service of Niccola. But Sforza's family became "very important", the Contrari stayed small. 1401. Consolidatosi il dominio estense, la rocca ed il feudo di Vignola sono...

Re: Bolognese sequence

Huck wrote: Annibale had then some time at Ferrara, he was like a son there. Giovanni, the father, died 1508. Yes. But there was a return. ... :-) You missed a few posts in this thread. Why did I write about Trivulzio short before? ... Ady: "Three years after Giovanni Bentivoglio's decease his...

Re: Bolognese sequence

I think, the "Bentivoglio of Bologna" are those "Bentivoglio in Ferrara", the family moved to Ferrara. Annibale's wife had been Lucretia d'Este. And Ferrara wasn't at the side of Julius The book, The Bentivoglio of Bologna is about just Bologna. It is only at the end of the book...

Re: Bolognese sequence

hi Mike, Libra wasn't a sign of the zodiac until the 1st century b.c. (something I read recently on the Internet, but I can't remember where). Before that, Scorpio spanned two months. Then some representations had a scales in the scorpion's claws. I know that (although I think, it changed earlier), ...

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