
Search found 5199 matches

Bill Heidrick (1943 - 2023)

I had some email contact to Bill Heidrick in the early internet years. He was then occasionaly active in Tarot card cycles, perhaps somebody else remembers him.

Re: Franco Pratesi translations

Recently (18.05.2024) added: 8/15. Minchiate, un campo troppo vasto per l’Accademia (13.04.2024) 8/16. Firenze nel Seicento ‒ Ottave sul Gioco dell’Ombre (17.04.2024) 8/17. Firenze 1783 ‒ Il giallo del Diavolo (20.04.2024) 8/18. 1748 – Minchiate incomplete di un pastore arcade (01.05.2024) 8/19. Fir...

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