Re: Bodet Deck, compare/contrast/discuss/have a look

I'm just returning a little to Ross's wonderful post about Providence.

In one of my pdfs, I also to some extent conflate Providence and Fortuna, as it seems to me that the two were far more closely entwined in mediæval writings. What I had not carefully considered are the aspects of 'Bridled Fortune', and rather seen that as solely representing Temperance.

This is also an apt opportunity to add to one of those Providence-type paintings from later than mediæval times, this one in Versailles:


Re: Bodet Deck, compare/contrast/discuss/have a look

The discussion turned to images of "Bridled Fortune" (Fortune as the servant of God - another way of interpreting or personifying Providence).
I agree with this. Thank you very much, Ross %%- .

we can find a beautiful example of the fortune as a servant (or manifestation) of Providence in Labyrinth of Fortune by Juan de Mena:
When a man has a theory // Can’t keep his mind on nothing else (By Ross)