Blindfolded Justice

Despite Justice acquiring a blindfold around the beginning of the Renaissance, tarot in general has maintained the representation of the allegory of Justice as properly sighted: she needs to be able to see the situation at hand and make the correct judgement.

Yet, of fascination (for me at any rate) is an 18th century Colmar Besançon-type deck by Mann, in which she has hoodwink upon her eyes:
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Re: Blindfolded Justice ~ trumped by blind fortune...

Doth then the world go thus, doth all thus move?
Is this the justice which on Earth we find?
Is this that firm decree which all doth bind?
Are these your influences, Powers above?

Those souls which vice’s moody mists most blind,
Blind Fortune, blindly, most their friend doth prove;
And they who thee, poor idol Virtue! love,
Ply like a feather toss’d by storm and wind.

Ah! if a Providence doth sway this all
Why should best minds groan under most distress?
Or why should pride humility make thrall,
And injuries the innocent oppress?

Heavens! hinder, stop this fate; or grant a time
When good may have, as well as bad, their prime!

William Drummond