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Petrecino, page of duke Borso (II)

Posted: 25 Oct 2012, 11:17
by Huck



From Borso to Cesare d'Este:
the school of Ferrara 1450-1628 : an exhibition in aid of the Courtauld Institute of Art Trust Appeal, June 1st-August 14th 1984
Courtauld Institute of Art, Matthiesen Fine Art Ltd ... rch_anchor
Well, that's interesting. Somebody believes, that also for 1458 a Trionfi card document exists, in which Petrecino participated. That's new to me.
But I find it already in Ortalli 1996, Prince and the Playing Cards. He refers to Adolfo Venturi ...


Page 731in Adolfo Venturi 1885
I don't find it online.
I got from Franco Pratesi the following answer to the question of the activities of Petrecino in 1458, which are recorded at Page 731 in Adolfo Venturi 1885:
Un altro pittore da aggiungere al novero de’ pittori di carte da gioco era un dilettante Petrecino da Firenze, paggio di Borso, che dopo il 1460 abbandonò la Corte per ritirarsi in un chiostro. (1)

(1) Nel 1457 e nel 1458 Gherardo da Vicenza gli vendette colori per dipinger carte da trionfi (V. Memoriale, T., 1457, a c. 67 e il libro d’Intrata et Spexa, E.E., 1458, a c. 97)

thus, we obtain from here only INDIRECT information on unknown numbers of trionfi packs. it is however mentioned that Petrecino acquired colours for painting triumphs BOTH in 1457 and 1458.