Own "Error about Kaetspel"

Internet improves and occasionally one detects an own error. .... :-)

In this case we had assumed (maybe 2004), that a Dutch manuscript, that we detected in the web of this time referred to card playing: "

Jan van den Bergh (or Berghe), 1431
- Dat kaetspel ghemoralizeert

We wrote about it, a web page, occasionally I noted it ... Various attempts were made to get more info. It was difficult to get anything, and if something could be found, it was in Dutch language (well, not too difficult with a German language background, but errors occur occasionally).
A web-check nowadays turned out the insight (the web has improved, meanwhile there is much more information), that "kaetspel" meant not, as we assumed, card playing, but referred to "the jeu de la paume" or new modern Dutch "Kaatsen", in other words, it was an early tennis version, not an overlooked playing card book.

"kaetspel" wasn't in the Dutch word book, and it was composed together with a work about Chess (a Dutch Cessolis version), so it looked very natural, that Kaetspel meant card playing, cause Master Ingold, who also renewed Cessolis in his Golden Spil, wrote also about chess and card playing together ... but it meant NOT card playing, but tennis.

The web page was removed. ... I hope, that not too much people did read it ... .-)

Re: Own "Error about Kaetspel"

Viel Glück, Pech, und Hölle sind die fünf grundlegenden Wörter in einer Partie Tennis, obwohl diese, natürlich, leicht verstärkt. (Virginia Graham)

Not such a great difference :-?

The Universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.
Eden Phillpotts