Re: Project: Festival book 1475

mmfilesi wrote::) After I analyze what You say, Huck. Now I continued with the party

Ludovico di Bartolomeo send a private gift. It is a great castle of sugar, two oxen transported sugar (I suppose on a platform on wheels). At the top is Chastity. He recites a poem and leaves.

Now comes a very interesting to compare with the Mantegna deck:

Sign in Poetry. Her hair is loose, a laurel wreath. On one hand holding a golden apple, covered with a veil. The veil is written the word "Veritas" to "prove that under the poetical veil hiding the truth."

Poetry is accompanied by 3 beautiful ladies. They are Grammar, Rhetoric and Astrology. These ladies lead the Mount Parnassus (in sugar). At Mount Parnassus are statues of Apollo and the nine muses.

Then came the procession of Poetry. There are 20 poets. Ten Greeks and ten Latino. Each poet has a book of sugar. Each poet recited a couplet to the spouses (its not write) and give them the book.

Poetry recited a poem important. We must translate well. In this poem explains that his gift is the wisdom, knowledge.
This sounds interesting. Arts with mathematical character are left out, Grammar and Rhetoric, which a poet might need, are present. Astrology is needed, cause the whole festivity has its focus on astrology. With poetry there are totally 14 figures in the concept, which fits with the 28 figures in the other concept, 28:2 = 14.
As poetry "creates" the other composition, this somehow makes sense.

The Parnassus picture has 16 figures ...


Apollo + 9 Muses
Mars .... King
Venus ... Queen
Mercury ... Bishop
Pegasus ... Knight
Vulcanus ... Rook
Amor ... Putti ... Pawns
???? .. is at least interpretable this way

... .-) ... You said, I shouldn't give something on the number of the chess board fields. But Montefeltro took influence on this festivity and around this time he commissioned 28 famous man. The picture with the chess board with the 14 x 8 fields (which would demand 28 figures at each side) was painted by Francesco di Giorgio, who is speculated to have worked out the scenario of the wedding.

In the given time, Venice had contact to Uzun Hassan, Mongolian Persian king in the region Irak/Iran nowadays, and attempted to combine military energies against the Osmans. The Mongolian rulers in Persia had adapted Islam around 1300. The Arabian writing has 28 basic letters and the Tamerlane Chess, favored by one of the Mongolian rulers, Timur Lenk, also used 28 figures, though on a different board.

The 10 Greek and 10 Latin poets refers to a 2x10 structure, which I noted already in other contexts, Boiardo Tarocchi poem, Sola Busca Tarocchi, Minchiate, Lorenzo Spirito text.

Re: Project: Festival book 1475

Yes, yes ... it can be. I need time to analyze everything you say and compare it to Manilius :) .

Well ...

Last part

Tuesday. Day 30

La Giostra.
(La Giostra is a tournament, a joust).

In the morning go to the field of the tournament. It's raining and windy. Return to "cortile", in the palace, and, I think they see a play (the text is unclear), "Il Cavaliero della Gatta". Leave the rain, returning to the field of Giostra.

There are two captains (di capi scuadra). One is Niccolo di Barignano. Another is Renieri degli Almerighi.

In the middle of the field, come on the carriage of Fame. On the 4 sides are 2 spiritellos shields. They have a trumpet and a plant related with the purity ("giglio"). In the center of the car is interesting decor. At the bottom, an "old face" (dont said which one). Then, a triangle with "harpies" and claim the globe. Then, three men sitting: Caesar, Alexander and Scipio.
fama.jpg fama.jpg Viewed 24409 times 43.94 KiB

Begin the fight on horseback with lances (the typical medieval tournament). There are four awards.

First prize wins Constantio (Lol!)
Second, Niccolo da Barignano
Third: Giovanni Ubaldini, squire of the Duke of Urbino.
Fourth, Renieri.

The End

In the end, there is an important text. Is the title of the party: THE TRIUMPH OF Hymeneo.
hymeneo.jpg hymeneo.jpg Viewed 24409 times 47.57 KiB


Sí, sí… puede ser. Necesito tiempo para analizar todo lo que dices y compararlo con Manilio.
Última parte
Martes. Día 30
La Giostra.
(La Giostra es un torneo, una justa).
Por la mañana van al campo del torneo. Llueve y hace viento. Vuelven al “cortile” del palacio y, creo que ven una obra de teatro (el texto no es claro). Deja de llover, regresan al campo de la Giostra.
Hay dos capitanes (capi di scuadra). Uno es Niccoló di Barignano. Otro es Renieri degli Almerighi.
En medio del campo, sacan el carro de la Fama. En los lados hay 2x4 escudos con spiritellos. Llevan trompetas y una planta relacionada con la pureza (giglio). En el centro del carro hay una decoración interesante. En la parte de abajo, una “cara antigua” (no se dice cuál). Luego un triángulo con “arpías”, que sostienen la bola del mundo. Luego tres hombres sentados: Caesar, Alexander y Scipio.
Se pelean a caballo, con lanzas (el típico torneo medieval). Hay cuatro premios.
Primer premio: gana Constantio (Lol!)
Segundo: Niccoló da Barignano
Tercero: Giovanni Ubaldini, escudero del duque de Urbino.
Cuarto: Renieri.
Al final, hay un texto importante. Es el título de la fiesta: EL TRIUNFO DE HYMENEO.
When a man has a theory // Can’t keep his mind on nothing else (By Ross)

Re: Project: Festival book 1475

Yes ... and it's a printer from Cologne.

It's a suggestion, that more or less all older Trionfi cards, appeared connected to festivities, a lot of them to marriages. And the feast of the Hymeneus presents these "marriage festivities".

It's of some worth, that you inform you in the web about the god Hymeneus and his customs, if you didn't already. Hymeneus Trionfi appeared also much later, somehow they still exist, as a lot of people marry with a sort of program. ... :-) ... naturally not every wedding was composed in this very artificial manner.

Good material is in the web about the weddings of Lucretia Borgia (1502) and Lucretia d'Este (1487). It's of value to know the both description to recognize similarities and things, which repeat.

Spirito's text is a lot book, but his readers are probably mostly women and mostly the questions will turn around the next wedding and the choice of a partner. From this condition there are similarities and also Hymeneus features.


It would be nice to see your text blocks, which you've summarized, connected to side pages to get an better overview. Somehow it must be arranged in a manner, that one gets a quick overview and not easily overlooks details.

Re: Project: Festival book 1475

Ok. Tomorrow ordered blocks of text ...

Now I need to find images of Urb Lat. 899. and the temple of the muses of the Palace of Urbino. We need a samaritan publish on line De imaginibus of Lazarelli... Well, I'm going to Google, then come back.
When a man has a theory // Can’t keep his mind on nothing else (By Ross)

Re: Project: Festival book 1475

mmfilesi wrote:Ok. Tomorrow ordered blocks of text ...

Now I need to find images of Urb Lat. 899. and the temple of the muses of the Palace of Urbino. We need a samaritan publish on line De imaginibus of Lazarelli... Well, I'm going to Google, then come back.
I don't know, if you have Kaplan, Encyclopedia of Tarot I, where he shows 10 of the Lazzarelli pictures (p. 26-27). Additionally we have some of the Lazzarelli pictures here:

4 are different pictures (these we have, though bad copies), the rest seems to be relative identical to Mantegna Tarocchi pictures.

The text of Lazzarelli ... I'll see, what I can do.

The muses pictures of Urbino Palace are partly in the web ... see as overview ... 009/9.html

Re: Project: Festival book 1475

Thanks very much, Huck! :) :) :)

(No, i dont have Kaplan yet)


who designs the program show?


The same Constanzio
Niccolo di Antonio degli Agli (author of the Urb. Lat. 899) (writer) ??????
Guglielmo Ebreo da Pesaro - Sure.

We need study Guglielmo Ebreo da Pesaro: De pratica seu arte tripudii vulgare opusculum › Balletto in due. Why? to find numbers:

“Nelle mani di Guglielmo, che per un certo periodo fu in contatto con la corte di Lorenzo de' Medici, presso la quale già lavorava il fratello Giuseppe Ebreo, la danza divenne simbolo della divina armonia cosmica, idea quasi certamente mutuata dai dettami della filosofia neoplatonica del circolo ficiniano. Ne è un esempio il Balletto in due, di cui si trova traccia nel Trattato De pratica....”]. ... _del_ballo

Intersting document: ... DFOxVw_uSw
When a man has a theory // Can’t keep his mind on nothing else (By Ross)

Re: Project: Festival book 1475

Summary of the Sumary:

The Triumph of Hymeneus

A. Friday 26 - A procession to the Castle Novillara (Fols. 1/5)

1. Diana the Huntress greets Constantia. (Fols. 2)

2. Constantia arrive at first triumphal arch. (Fols. 3 and following)

B. Saturday 27 - A procession to Pesaro (Fols. 5/8)

1. The gentelman greets Constantia. They are Hercules Sfortia, Duke of Urbino, Duke of Calabria, the Duke of Ferrara, and Costantio Sortia (sic), the husband. (Fols. 6)

2. A ship (bucietoro) out of town to receive Constantia, near to the door of the city. (Fols. 6, 7, 8)

3. Camilla receive the keys of the city (the land). Entry in the city.

C. Saturday 27 - A procession to the Court (Fols. 8/12).

1. The triumph chariot of Chastity (Pudicia) greets Constanzia. Chastity gives the "heart's husband keys" to Camilla. (Fols. 8, 9).

2. Under a baldaquino (pabillion, thats the card of lover) with the colors gold and silver, the husbands, escorted by soldiers, continued to the Court.

3. Another triumphal arch. (Fols. 10)

4. Giant dance. (view example).

5. Follow up to a square where a fountain with six faces in Piazza Grande (near the court). (I think this is a simbolic fountain, perhaps, relationsip with the eternal young. We can remember de fountain of cards of lover). (Fols. 11, 12)

6. Go to the court and go to sleep.

D. Sunday 28 - Wedding ceremony (Fols. 12/16).

1. The husbands and many important people go to Sala Grande, in the Court.
1.1. Collenuco Pandolph said a Sermon (lasting one hour).
1.2. Monsignor of Terni, envoy of Pope, blesses them.

2. 11.00 hours. Go to the episcopate (the Church). They walk under a baldaquino. Those carrying the baldacchino are four youngs, 14 year olds: Piero Gentile da Camerino, Carlo Sforza, Ercole Sforza and Ercole Bentivoglio. They are married by Bishop of Terni. They return to court and come to rest. (Fols. 15 et passim)

E. Sunday 28 - Cosmic banquet (Fols. 17/46).

1. At 15.hours start a banquet in the Great Hall. (Fols. 17 et passim).

The banquet is hosted by the Sun and the Moon. The Sun heads the first half and the moon presides over the second half.

Each round of dishes (and there are many), is given by a god. When leaving a god, is preceded by a herald (a messenger, a servant). The Herald carries a banner, which is picked up by two young beautiful: Castor and Pollux.

The sequence is:
a) Appear (entry) the god and his messenger (his servant).
c) Handing over the banner.
d) recites a poem.
e) the dishes are served food that God sends. ( “cioe”).

Everytime a god, he "passed on" to the newlyweds their influences. For example, Juno gives wealth. That is, there are three concepts in each round: the god, the servant and the message passed by the poem and the concept protected by the god. And there are three iconographic elements: the appearance of the God, the appearance of the messenger, and the appearance of the emblem. Ok?

Part One - The Gods of the Sun

(Presentation of the Sun:

Before the banquet started, the roof fell a shower of gold and the sun descends
The "Sun" recites a poem, which blesses the couple. He says that nothing will separate and Fortune and Virtue will always be together until death.

Fortuna cum virtues will congiunta)

First god of the Sun: Hymeneo

Dont have mesenger(the first exception)
Idea (blessing): sweetness, pleasure, delight

Second god of the Sun: Venus
Mesenger: Erato
Idea: Love chaste

Third Sun god: Jupiter
Mesenger: Perseus
Idea: good luck, god of the husbands.

Fourth sun god: Juno
Mesenger: Iris
Idea: wealth, goddess of wives

Fifth Sun god: Apollo
Mesenger: Orfeo
Idea: power generator

Sixth Sun God: Pallas
Mesenger: Hebe
Idea: wisdom, skill of women, peace, wisdom

Gods of the Moon

First god of the Moon: Vesta
Mesenger: Tatia
Idea: Honesty, modesty, heat preserving life.

Second god of the Moon: Neptune
Idea: Generation fame

Third god of the Moon: Diana
Mesenger: Licaste
Idea: Chastity

Fourth god of the Moon, Mars
Mesenger: Romulo
Idea: strength, victories, triumphs

Fifth god of the moon: Ceres
Ideas: pleasure, fertility

Sixth moon god: Bacchus
Mesenger: Sylenos
Ideas: joy.

Seventh god of the Moon: Influence of Fortuna
No servant (second exception)
Ideas: Wealth.

2. 22.00 aprox. Go to sleep.

F. Monday 29 - the parade of gifts (Fols. 46/60).

Upon awakening going to the Great Hall.

1. First Mountain. Enter an artificial mountain.
1.1. The dances of "wild man" (humo selvatico) and lyon. (Fols. 46)
1.2. The dances of two young men (buskers?). (Fols. 47)
1.3. Ten youngs (5 dresses in green, and 5 dress in alesandrina silk) dancing acrobatic. (Fols. 47)

2. The ambassadors and other famous persons (subjects of Constantine) give their gifts.

3. The procession of Jews, sent by the Universita dei Giudei di Pesaro.
3.1. The Queen of Sheba. Two elephants. One for the queen; another for her court. Gives presents. (Fols. 48, 49)
3.2. Enter a second mountain. At the top of the mountain there is a tower. On the tower is a spiritello. Exit an old man, Roboam, and ask to Constantio fields to work, because they have lost theirs. Constantio give camps. 12 young people exit and dance. The dance represents the agricultural work. From planting to harvesting wheat. (Fols. 50, 51)

4. The procession of the planets. Each planet is in a car with emblems on wheels (triumph). The planets are in this order: Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn. The planets give away his kingdom (and influence) the spouses. This part is very difficult to understand. Only explained in verses which seem to have a double meaning all erotic. It appears that the meaning its a bless of copulation and married life. (Fols. 53 et passim)

G. Monday 29 - Great breakfast (Fols. 60/74).

Start a great banquet in the Great Hall.

1. Bring many castles of sugar.

2. Dance in the form of S (il Biscione). Great music and sweet foods, such as marzipan and candied.

3.Antonio Constanzio di Farne recites a poem in Latin. (Fols. 63)

4. Bring more sugar's castles.

5. Enter a camel (an artifact of wood). The rider is dressed in a black oriental. Throw candy and sweets to people. (Fols. 68)

6. Ludovico di Bartolomeo send a private gift. It is a great castle of sugar, two oxen transported sugar (I suppose on a platform on wheels). At the top is Chastity. He recites a poem and leaves. (Fols. 69)

7. Sign in Poetry. Her hair is loose, a laurel wreath. On one hand holding a golden apple, covered with a veil. The veil is written the word "Veritas" to "prove that under the poetical veil hiding the truth."

Poetry is accompanied by 3 beautiful ladies. They are Grammar, Rhetoric and Astrology. These ladies lead the Mount Parnassus (in sugar). At Mount Parnassus are statues of Apollo and the nine muses.

Then came the procession of Poetry. There are 20 poets. Ten Greeks and ten Latino. Each poet has a book of sugar. Each poet recited a couplet to the spouses (its not write) and give them the book. (Fols. 70 et passim)

Rest until evening.

H. Monday 29 - Girandola - Fireworks (Fols. 74).

Party in the square (by night). Fireworks. Lot music and dance. In the center of the square is a "Girandola." This is a sort of wheel emerging from the fireworks.

The Girandola is made in wood. In the center is a representation (in silver) on the celestial sphere and the zodiac.
This area is supported by three giant heads that spit fire. In addition, there are three serpents ranging from celestial sphere giant heads. Also throw fire.

Enter the car of the god of Love is very high (18 feet). Silver is "surrounded by fire." The god of love has lighted arrows with the tips of fire. Around 12 spiritelli sing and dance. (Fols. 74)

I. Tuesday. Day 30 - La Giostra. (Fols. 75 et passim).

(La Giostra is a tournament, a joust).

In the morning go to the field of the tournament. It's raining and windy. Return to "cortile", in the palace, and, I think they see a play (the text is unclear), "Il Cavaliero della Gatta". Leave the rain, returning to the field of Giostra.

There are two captains (di capi scuadra). One is Niccolo di Barignano. Another is Renieri degli Almerighi.

In the middle of the field, come on the carriage of Fame. On the 4 sides are 2 spiritellos shields. They have a trumpet and a plant related with the purity ("giglio"). In the center of the car is interesting decor. At the bottom, an "old face" (dont said which one). Then, a triangle with "harpies" and claim the globe. Then, three men sitting: Caesar, Alexander and Scipio. Description in (Fols. 77)

Begin the fight on horseback with lances (the typical medieval tournament). There are four awards.

First prize wins Constantio
Second, Niccolo da Barignano
Third: Giovanni Ubaldini, squire of the Duke of Urbino.
Fourth, Renieri.

The End

When a man has a theory // Can’t keep his mind on nothing else (By Ross)

Re: Project: Festival book 1475

... :-) ... a big THANK YOU

that's rather good work.

%%- %%- %%- %%- %%- %%- %%-

For Costanzio Sforza a short life description extracted from ... Pesaro.htm
(that's from ... recommended website for condottieri biography)

Costanzo Sforza

1447 birth
1463 first military experiences (against Malatesta)
1464 nearly a year in Milan / Drusiana marriage / festivities
1465 Drusiana is guest in Pesaro (husband is killed in Naples)
1466 on the side of the foes of Galeazzo Maria
1467 fighting activities, wounded in Molinella
1468 peace celebration in Ferrara
1469 protects Pesaro, when the father is not present
1470 attempts to contract with Milan and Galeazzo Maria
1471 at the festivity of Borso in Rome
1472 gets contract with Milan, lives in Lombardy
1473 Alessandro Sforza dies - Costanzo meets Montefeltro and Pietro Riario and takes then a condotta from Ferrante / Naples (where he gets more - about twice - money than in Milan before)

1474 in the service of Sixtus IV - action against Citta di Castello (Vitelli), first below Giulio Cesare Varano, later under Montefeltro.
This last activity seems to be of greater importance for the genesis of the Mantegna Tarocchi (according Trionfi theory)

(after wedding) late 1475 further activities at the side of Montefeltro

Leonora d'Aragon, daughter of Ferrante, is said to have been promised to the aged Alessandro Sforza. After his death (?) the marriage to Ercole d'Este was arranged ... or earlier (?) (Ercole became duke of Ferrara in August 1471).
The contract to Ferrante in 1473 might have been combined immediately with the arrangement of the marriage to Camilla (niece of Ferrante). In any case it seems, that Ferrante had interest in Pesaro.

Constanzo in 1475 at least had some experience with festivities, 28 years old.

Camilla was already an old girl (* 1446 - 29 years old, one year older than Costanzo) ... (not attractive enough ?)
It's somehow surprising, that not very much "famous persons" came together to take part at the event (perhaps Pesaro was considered to be too far off the usual roads).

The mentioned dancing master is without doubt an interesting man. In 1465 (with Ippolita Sforza ? or short before Ippolita arrived ?) he came to Naples ... for the moment I don't know, how long he stayed. So he had (probably) early the acquaintance also with Camilla and this surely gives him some influence on the wedding celebration. He is "from Pesaro", but is he mentioned in the text? It's said, that he had been at many places.

Montefeltro had been son-in-law to Alessandro Sforza, so he might have felt responsible to his younger brother-in-law, whom he probably knew as a child.

Francesco di Giorgio is not documented for the wedding, but this source ... ... 22&f=false

... notes, that it is suspected, that he was active there, by various others.
This source draws a stronger relation between this festivity and another at Casteldurante, when Elisabetta Gonzaga had her wedding with the Urbino heir.