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Francis Borgia's deck of virtues and vices

Posted: 23 Jan 2014, 19:59
by marco
I have found this passage in Juana of Austria: Courtly Spain and Devotional Expression:
Rosa Helena Chinchilla wrote:During her two years residence in Portugal, Juana depended on her
principal religious advisor, Francis Borgia, a Jesuit, who became the most
important influence on the young princess. M. Bataillon’s description of the
religious atmosphere in the Princess’ Portuguese court reveals that Juana re-
quested twice daily visits from Borgia for religious guidance. This severe
daily regiment suggests an extreme devotional attitude of prayer common to
a movement associated with the recogidos. Borgia also devised moral games
to teach and entertain Juana’s courtiers, for example card games depicting
virtues and vices.
The source of this information is a 1553 letter addressed to Saint Ignatius, available here (Márgenes literarios del juego: una poética del naipe siglos XVI-XVIII, By Jean-Pierre Etienvre, p.58).

In the same book, at p.62, there is an interesting poem titled "Romance del juego del trunfo". My Spanish is not great, but I cannot resist translating the first lines :)

Hombre I Dios juegan al trunfo,
cielo i mundo es la baraja,
ponense ambos a la mesa,
i Dios reparte las cartas.

Man and God play “trunfo”,
the sky and the world are the deck,
they both seat at the table,
and God deals the cards.

(from what I understand, trunfo is a Spanish game played with a regular deck of four suits / 40 cards).